
Liability Claims Investigations

A liability claim is one wherein the insured will ask the help or financial assistance of his insurance company for a loss or damage incurred by a third party, wherein the insured is deemed responsible for the case. Insurers are expected to intervene in the process, but only after establishing whether or not the policy covers the extent of loss or damage that the third party has suffered. When the insurance company thinks that the claim is fraudulent, a liability claim investigation will be needed.

Do you have such a case that you want to resolve? If yes, then you have come to the right place. International Investigative Group knows how to help you get the answer to such cases. We have a team of expert private investigators who can look into the activity, and establish if it is fraudulent or not before you even pay the claimant.

Our Areas of Expertise
International Investigative Group has years of experience in the following areas:
  • Property Damage Investigations
  • Property Loss Investigations
  • Product Liability Issues
  • Casualty Claims Investigations
  • Product Liability Investigations
  • Subrogation Support Services

Why Liability Claims Investigation Services?

Liability claims investigation services is your answer to effective claims management. It starts with gathering facts then ends with results-oriented solutions. Take note, however, that it is important to hire private investigators who take investigations seriously, preferably those who have adequate experience in reporting frauds successfully. At the International Investigative Group, we see to it that we work hard to preserve evidence. We update you about the progress of the investigation as well by prioritizing prompt communications all the time.

What We Can Do for Liability Claims Investigations

When you hire International Investigative Group’s liability claims investigation team, our private investigators will go through information such as:

Fight fraudulent activities with the help of our expert agents
Conduct onsite investigations
Conduct thorough and prompt fact-gathering for better claims management
Detailed investigations that include detailed in-person statements
Product Inspections

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