
Comprehensive Data Reports

Every case starts through direct communications with the one handling the claim. During this part of the process, a strategy is developed in line with the specific objectives needed for the case. From there, a detailed action plan will be made in order to address the client’s investigation needs.

At the International Investigative Group, we see to it that our comprehensive data reports include the above procedures. Add to that, we also keep our clients informed about the progress of the investigation. We make it a point that we partner with our clients, ensuring that claim handlers are given the assistance that is vital in making timely and informative decisions. As a result, we ensure a positive outcomes all the time.

Our Areas of Expertise
International Investigative Group has years of experience in the following areas:
  • Property Damage Investigations
  • Property Loss Investigations
  • Product Liability Issues
  • Subrogation Support Services

Why Comprehensive Data Reporting Services?

Comprehensive data reporting services encompass detailed documentation of various types of evidence that will support the case. The report from private investigators contains the information gathered from claimants and other third parties. Each report is made depending on the category of the claim and is tailored to the client’s needs. The accident examination scene is examined through the professional video capturing, audio-recorded and videotaped statements, witness canvassing, reconstruction, computer-generated renderings, and high definition digital photography. All these elements are great reasons to use such services for your insurance-related and other cases that are in need of comprehensive data reporting.

What We Can Do for Comprehensive Data Reports

When you hire International Investigative Group’s comprehensive data reporting team, our private investigators will go through information such as: 

  • Establish a detailed and thorough action plan to address the client’s specific investigation needs
  • Keep clients informed regarding the progress of the investigation
  • Ensure positive and cost-efficient results
  • Develop a strategy geared toward achieving objectives for the case
  • Capture still photographs, provide verbal updates, and present electronic final updates in the comprehensive data report

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